Stopping smoking can be easier than you think!
stopping smoking can be easier than you think!
YES! You CAN Stop Smoking
Many times a person will say "I want to stop smoking", and then go on to say "but I can't - I'm addicted". Well, the truth is you CAN, of course, you can.
Hello, I'm David Masters. I specialise in helping people to quit the lethal habit of cigarette smoking and after 25 years in private practice, I can boast that I have assisted a great number of so-called addicts to get rid of that costly and dangerous device, their little deceitful and deadly friend, the cigarette.
Many people ask me to let them in on the secret of success, and in these present times when everyone is being bombarded with information which includes everything from kind and friendly understanding counsellors, to scaring the living daylights out of people with threats of painful deaths and emotional early departures from those who are nearest and dearest to us, you may be surprised when I tell you that the process of stopping smoking can be remarkably simple.
- Addiction - no problem!
- No will-power - no problem!
- Other people smoking around you - no problem!
- Changing habits -no problem!
Generally speaking, people are now finding themselves lost in the maze, confused and somewhat disillusioned. Believe me right now when I say, most definitely, you CAN stop smoking.
But first, you must stop absorbing information that serves no purpose but to confuse you. Whether that information is coming from media sources, friends & relations, or even from the plethora of well-meant advice issued by government dept of health; if it does not work for you then don't do it. No point in practicing how to fail!
- I will teach you a successful and specific formula that will bring you victory. All I need from you is an open mind and your commitment to set yourself free.
- Then I will SUPERCHARGE that formula with the most powerful and effective hypnotherapy techniques.
- I will teach you how to succeed.
Your therapy starts with a comprehensive FREE initial consultation. On a later date, this is followed by the main session made up of 3hrs of powerful hypnotic techniques.
At that time, I will be asking you some specific questions and training you to establish a new pattern of thought backed up by specific ways to behave. HABITS, SOCIAL SITUATIONS, STRESS, TEMPTATIONS, NICOTINE DEPENDENCY, AND ALL YOU FEARS, I have a unique & specific approach for all of these hurdles in this comprehensive package.
It would make sense to say that a 'non-smoker' thinks, behaves and approaches life somewhat differently than a 'smoker' therefore I will be asking you to make some very exact changes. and I will be installing to your subconscious a host of self-esteem, confidence and success messages.
This is a UNIQUE, THREE HOUR session is not available from any other therapist. The techniques involved have been developed solely by David Masters D.Hp MHA. These methods have been presented in the form of a two-day workshop to the NHS smoking cessation team of Burnley & Pendle as an adjunct to NRT (workshop feedback from health care professionals attending the workshop presentations can be viewed on request)
Session fee on request. - Work / Family groups can be arranged as a reduced (Group session) fee (Max Three in Group)
Contact me on:
07740 959520 or email me through the link on the home page.